Over the years the internet has evolved in so many ways, from static web pages to more dynamic web pages that support all the latest Web technologies. Being so that the world is shifting focus to technology and what technology does to improve human life form, then they are no dough of the benefit of web technologies. AJAX, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, and OWASP are web developer bread and butter, these keep the internet alive with ever-changing capabilities, plenty of potential that helps to manifest a developer dreams.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML5) is the growing trend of today that allow a web designer to build out portrait of their idea that reshapes the look of the Web, even though the technology have so much potential it is still in the working draft state and is estimated to reach its full potential about 2022 (Lowery, Fletcher, 2011). For everybody who is persuading a degree in the computer industry such as me, would never hesitate to glorify how HTML5 have revolutionized how they created a web site, especially to impress their employer. HTML5 have eradicated the grandpa feature from the internet such as rich plug-in along with FLASH to JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which is the building block of the web, take into consideration that the first HTML standard was published in the mid-1990’s which was more suitable for markup pages and images (Seidelin, n.d.). Companies such as Adobe who was in support of flash have diverted to a more advanced method of coding such as HTML5 and released Adobe Edge (Seidelin, n.d.). From what Web technologies have done so far HTML5 have shown consistency and relevant and must be given its recognition.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a type of language/script that simply defines the styling of a website, while HTML was used to build the structure of a web page CSS was used for the presentation. CSS like many web technologies introduced in about 1996 and have change the way the appearance of web page now render on your computer (Lun, 2013). CSS for every web designer is the art of canvassing their work on digital media; this web technology has revolutionized from three different versions to become standardized as CSS3 by W3C. CSS3 have the advantage of linking to many pages and provide transformed changes. My support for CSS3 is the backward compatibility of the language and the feature of media queries that build to support all media types. While in CSS2 the box-model was the thing to acknowledge in about 1999 which focus on the margin, border, padding, and content to specified the width, this created some headache for internet explorer 7 and below; the layout modules of CSS3 were an arsenal for a web designer (Hampton, n.d.). The internet of the past in comparison to the digital canvas of the future means there are borderless boundaries as to where these web technologies are going and how to transform the internet will be with images, games, and media.
AJAX, JQuery, and OWASP
The rise of JavaScript has given birth to many children/liraries that we now classified as JavaScript API (Application Programming Interface) that allow for manipulation of the element on the web page along with dynamic update base on a client side machine. Unlike CSS and HTML AJAX is not a technology like a JavaScript, but more of an overlaid function meaning that it apart of something that already exists and replies on another technology functionality (Hayward, 2011). As we know AJAX is a client side technology that talks to server side technology with little data to provide partial page updates. AJAX has given JavaScript the recognition it deserved, and now it has its recognition as one of the web most modern language (Hayward, 2011). JQuery like every other JavaScript libraries stand out because of its compatibility with many older browsers (, n.d.). The future for JQuery is a great base on the fact that it is accessible from a content delivery network without the need to download a file to your local machine. Last but not lease the Open Web Application Security Project which is an open source project which aims at protecting the Internet from a malicious attacker that introduces ways of vulnerability to a website. The focus is more on network security, and the internet is the largest network a person can be a part of when they log in.
All the latest Web technologies have given web designer like me the tool to create an attractive, informative and educational website to elevate the future generation of a web designer. While the OWASP is providing the security, we need for a safe browsing they are little dough that the internet of tomorrow wills be the rebirth of a everlasting technology.
Hampton-Smith, S n.d., Pro CSS3 Layout Techniques. [Electronic Book], n.p.: University of Liverpool Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 February 2017.
Hayward, J 2011, Django Javascript Integration. [Electronic Book]: AJAX And JQuery, n.p.: Birmingham, U.K.: Packt Open Source, 2011, c2010., University of Liverpool Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 February 2017.
Lowery, J, & Fletcher, M 2011, HTML5. [Electronic Book]: 24-Hour Trainer, n.p.: Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, c2011., University of Liverpool Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 February 2017.
Lunn, I 2013, CSS3 Foundations. [Electronic Book], n.p.: Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley, 2013., University of Liverpool Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 February 2017.
Seidelin, J n.d., HTML5 Games. [Electronic Book: Creating Fun With HTML5, CSS3 And WEBGL, n.p.: Second edition., University of Liverpool Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 February 2017.